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Alternative death/ broken mechanics for Mörk Borg, including a simple way to deal with "sanity damage." Also, it's a giant poster (60x30 centimeters).

Adapted from original work by Emmy Allen.

Content Warning for violence and self-harm. Please refrain from downloading if you're not okay with these themes. The rules and descriptions are simplified for gaming purposes but still quite graphical in nature.

Emmy Allen can be found on her blog, Cavegirl's Game Stuff. She makes some excellent games. Please note that this product has no affiliation with her in any way.
Horrible Wounds is an independent production by vil and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(27 total ratings)
Tagsmork-borg, OSR, Tabletop role-playing game


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

HorribleWounds_poster.pdf 4.1 MB
HorribleWounds_artless.pdf 190 kB


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Your insides liquify. Your skin

comes off in patches as you

collpase. Your remains are poison.

Collapse is misspelled :)

Oops :)


This suppliment is fantastic. Not enough games have really grievous wounds tables to draw inspiration from, and this one immediately became my favorite. 

This is great.

However, I feel like "Puncturing" should be less about missiles and more general to accomodate other puncturing stuff (IE: Spear, ice pick, awl, needle, spike etc.). Or perhaps split up into "Puncturing" and "Missiles".


That's fair, yeah. Personally, I'd prefer to adapt the puncturing wound description on-the-fly to fit the damage source, instead of adding another category to the system. Maybe a "shot in the eye" wound with a spear means the blade came in at an angle, from the side of the head to the nose? Something like that.

Thanks for the message!

LOVE this supplement first off!
Secondly, a question.

When at Zero HP after the player receives a Horrible Wound, and takes another hit after that, do they just die, or do they keep getting Horrible Wounds till one kills them?

Because I've only been giving Horrible Wounds instead of a player going form positive to negative, while if they go from 0 to negative, they just die.



Hey there. Thanks for the message.

As always, whatever works for your table is the right way to go, but here's how I do it: 

  • There's no negative HP: whatever the damage you take, you can never go below 0. Being at 0 HP means any damage received is a new Horrible Wound. If the Wound rolled doesn't make sense, you get the next one on the list. In my experience, it's pretty dicey to survive more than two Wounds in the same fight.

This supplemental is the BEST. Not only does it help gruesomely detail what's happening to my players, it also helps with showing them what they're doing to their enemies for a bit of extra fun. Getting into doomed fights hasn't ever been so fun.